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life assurance 〔英國〕 = life insurance.

life belt

On the basis of the report in the chinese insurance annual from 1998 to 2002 , this article makes an analysis and calculation of the assets and liabilities structure in various companies . meanwhile , after analyzing the change in the assets and liabilities in the advanced countries like america , england , japan and korea , the article then makes a compare between theirs and our country ' s current life assurance assets and liabilities structure 該部分利用了《中國保險年鑒》 1998年版至2002年版中公布的各壽險公司的年報,對各壽險公司1998年至2001年的資產、負債結構進行了計算和分析,同時將我國壽險業資產結構與美國、英國、日本、韓國等國壽險業資產結構比較。

Based on the theory of five competition functions created by porter , in conjunction with the nuclear competition theory , the rbv theory and the novation theory , this article makes a detailed analysis of the external economic environment , the trade structure of life assurance , the rival ' s situation as well as its own competence . and the development characteristics of hunan life assurance market and the superiorities as well as inferiorities of the company are discussed . after that , in accordance with the market competition degree , the article makes a subdivision of the life assurance market and confirms the competition rank of the company in the whole provincial life assurance market 論文以波特五種競爭作用力理論為基礎,結合核心能力理論、資源流派理論及創新理論的綜合運用,對中國人壽湖南公司的外部經濟運行環境、所在的壽險行業結構、競爭對手的實力情況和自身的競爭能力進行了詳細的分析,找出了湖南省壽險市場的發展特征和公司的競爭優劣勢所在,隨后根據市場的競爭程度對公司所進入的壽險市場進行了市場細分,并根據位次競爭戰略理論確定了公司在省內壽險市場上的競爭地位,在上述分析基礎上,本文采用swot分析方法來為公司擬定了整體的市場競爭戰略,并根據公司的競爭地位相應制定了其在各細分市場上應采取的戰略措施,我們相信通過實施這些戰略措施將有助于增強公司的競爭實力,從而能使其在將來的市場競爭中進一步鞏固和保持優勢競爭地位。

In face of the current problems existing in the life assurance industry in china , the experience of success and the lesson from the failure remind us of the urgent demand to analyze and manage the assets and liabilities of the life assurance companies 世界范圍的壽險公司經營成功的經驗和失敗的教訓提醒我們,面對我國壽險業目前存在的問題,特別是利差損問題,迫切要求壽險公司進行資產負債結構分析和資產負債管理。

Financial institutions located in the international financial services centre ifsc in dublin provide a broad range of services including banking , asset financing , leasing , fund and treasury management , insurance , reinsurance , international life assurance and brokerage 位于國際金融服務中心的金融機構提供的服務廣泛,包括銀行業,資產融資、租賃、融資和資金管理、保險、再保險、國際人壽保險和中介業務。

Heng an standard life ( hasl ) was established by the standard life assurance company , a fortune 500 company , and the prestigious tianjin teda investment holding co . , ltd in 2003 , with headquarter in tianjin and a registered capital of rmb 1 . 302 billion 恒安標準人壽保險有限公司由世界500強英國標準人壽和商譽卓著的天津泰達投資控股有限公司于2003年共同創立,總部設在天津,注冊資本金13 . 02億元人民幣。

The improper structure and the mismatch between the assets and liabilities within a life assurance company will result in the deduction in its profitearning capacity as well as its payment capacity 當壽險公司的資產和負債結構不合理、資產與負債不能很好匹配時,會造成公司盈利能力的降低,償付能力的弱化。

Typically in japan , the bankruptcy of nippon life insurance in 1997 and the subsequent bankruptcy of seven life assurance companies brought great shock in the international life assurance industry 最為典型的是日本,自1997年“日本生命”破產以后,先后共7家壽險公司倒閉,給世界壽險業帶來巨大震動。

The problem of the structure and management of assets and liabilities has become a great concern for both the life assurance companies and the national insurance regulatory organizations 資產負債管理問題是每個壽險公司及其國家保險監管部門都十分關注的問題。

Below are two versions of a reply of an insurance company to a bank ' s request for details of a life assurance . the policy is to be assigned to the bank 下面是兩封由保險公司應銀行要求回復的生命保險信函范本。政策是由銀行指派。

We began by selling or closing a number of businesses , including our life assurance operations , and exited from a number of countries of operation 在一些國家我們關閉或出售了包括壽險在內的保險業務,并退出了這些業務市場。

Another types of investors are institutions like life assurance and insurance companies and bond investment trust funds 另一類投資人為機構法人如壽產險公司與債券投資信托基金,至于一般個人投資者的比重極微小。

This article makes an attempt to discuss the management of life assurance assets and liabilities from the aspect of assets and liabilities 本文著重從管理的角度探討壽險公司資產、負債問題。

Conversely , the proper management of assets and liabilities gained some achievement for american life assurance industry 反之,美英壽險業卻通過良好的資產負債管理取得較好的經營效果。

Currently , only very few people deal with the study on the management theory of life assurance assets and liabilities 目前,我國還很少有人從事壽險業資產負債管理理論的研究。

Part 2 concentrates on the analysis of the assets and liabilities structure in our country ' s life assurance companies 第二部分是我國壽險公司資產負債的構成情況問題分析。

Dah sing life assurance company limited 大新人壽保險有限公司